Friday, 2 December 2016


In this term, Ander and I are going to do a Weebly presentation about health system and healthy lifestyle. We firstly chose the topic healthy lifestyle. However, we noticed that it was too simple and easy to do an explanation about it. So we decided to add something new: healthy system. This topic is what we are going to speak about although we are gong to comment something about healthy lifestyle.

I have to say that this entry is a kind of brainstorm to organie the information that then will appear in the Weebly. As a result, I recommend not reading it at all because you'll get bored!

Public Healthcare

Individual health card
The Heath Card is the necessary and sufficient documentation required to gain access to the health services provided by the Department of Health.
To obtain a Health Card the applicant must be registered in a municipality of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.

Application process:
Applications for Health Cards are dealt with by the Customer Attention Areas of the Osakidetza-Basque Health Service Centres.

The application documentation must be accompanied by the following documents:
  • Copy of the identification document of the applicant (National ID Card (DNI), family book, passport or similar).
  • A certificate or note showing registration in a municipality in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.
  • A Health Card from the Community of origin, if it is due to a change of address.

Private Healthcare

Those wishing to receive private healthcare can take out health insurance in their country of origin which covers Spain or use any private medical company established in the Basque Country.
The following is a short list of the main companies:
Medicines are only available from chemists. In general, customers must provide a medical prescription issued by a doctor.

On the website of the Pharmaceutical Colleges of the 3 Territories we can find practical information about chemists and duty chemists.


A health emergency is an extremely serious situation in which the life of the patient is at risk.
In the event of a health emergency, with imminent danger to life, please call 112.

Urgent treatment

An urgent health situation is one in which the patient requires attention as quickly as possible, but at the moment there is no danger to his or her life.
In the event of an urgent health situation, please call the number for urgent situations shown on your Health Card (TIS).

Basque public health system, a reference in the world

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Health is a basic element in the quality of life and a priority for the citizens. For that reason, since the creation of Osakidetza -the Basque Health Service– in 1984,investment in health has been one of the foundations of social policy in the Basque Country, and particularly in Bizkaia.
We should not forget that annual spending on public healthcare per inhabitant in the three historic territories of the Basque Country is among the highest in the world.
In terms of its social healthcare situation, the Basque Country is divided into three health provision areas that correspond to each of the historic territories. So, Osakidetza guarantees the suitable organisation of primary healthcare in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa that is coordinated with specialist healthcare.
The Basque Health Service comprises:
– 7 healthcare districts, 131 Primary Care Units, and 320 health centres for primary care.
– 12 Acute Care Hospitals and 4 Mid to Long Stay Hospitals in terms of hospital care.
-4 psychiatric hospitals, 5 integrated psychiatric units in Acute Care Hospitals, and 3 non-hospital mental health areas for the discipline of mental health.
Osakidetza is also in charge of coordinating emergency care and healthcare in emergency situations.
This body also integrates the Basque Transfusion and Human Tissue Centre, and Osatek, the public institution responsible for managing, administering and running high-tech imaging services.

The Basque Autonomous Community has become the autonomous community with the best health services after surpassing Navarre, which used to occupy this position, and has the highest budget per capita in the country, 1,548 Euros in 2014.
These data appear in the Report on the Health Services of the Autonomous Communities prepared by the Federation of Associations in Defence of Public Healthcare, according to which the Basque Country is followed by Navarre and Aragon in the ranking, although the report underlines that in the last year the “general deterioration” of the services has continued due to the “cuts” in public health funding.
The study concludes that the best services are offered by the Basque Country, which ranks higher than Navarre, and these autonomies are followed by Aragon and Asturias.


Health services are fair in Castile and Leon, Cantabria, Galicia, La Rioja and Andalusia and poor in Madrid, Murcia, Baleares, Castile-La Mancha and Extremadura.
The worst are those in the Canary Islands and Valencia, just like in the last six years, followed by Catalonia, a community which has moved back four positions and ranks fifteenth, down from the fifth position it occupied in 2009.
Likewise, the weight of private healthcare is greater in some regions than in others and Madrid, Catalonia, Valencian Community and Balearic Islands head the ranking in this regard.
The study comprises parameters per community such as waiting lists, expenditure per capita, number of beds and professionals, number of operating theatres, cesarean sections and CAT-type tests, pharmaceutical expenditure or the opinion of the citizens.
As for the health budget per capita in 2014, the highest is in the Basque Country (1,548.34 Euros) as opposed to Andalusia (1,004.32 Euros) whereas the highest number of Primary Care doctors per 1,000 inhabitants is in Navarre (2.34) and the lowest in Andalusia (1.54).
The opinion of the citizens is also reported and there are considerable differences between communities with regard to the percentage of people who are satisfied with the Health System, ranging from 7.18 % in Navarre to 5.55 % in the Canary Islands.

Osakidetza (Servicio Vasco de Salud/Basque Health System) is the public healthcare system of the Basque Country, a region located in the north of Spain. Osakidetza was created by the Health Department of the Basque Government in 1983. All the public hospitals and primary care of the Basque Region are under this organization.
The Basque Health System includes 14 hospitals, more than 100 primary care clinics organised through four different geographical areas, apart from the Mental Health Centres, Emergencies and Basque Transfusions and Human Tissue Centre. More than 30.000 professionals work for Osakidetza, which could be considered the biggest organization of the Basque Country.
Osakidetza has a target population of more than 2 million inhabitants. It is estimated that in 20 years, 26% of the Basque population will be older than 65 years old, so this epidemiological pattern requires the improvement of the management of chronic diseases. In the last 15 years, the prevalence of chronic patients has increased remarkably all over the region, so actions related to the patient empowerment through e-Health tools are considered a big challenge for the region.
Mental Health Services in the Basque Country are based on the community care model which (i) promotes integration and standardisation of mental health care services, (ii) gives support and facilitates social integration and normalisation of the affected population and (iii) endorses coordination of social and health cares.

Mental health Services consist of three regional networks with 4 psychiatric hospitals (777 beds), two contracted long-term mental hospitals and several mental health centres in close collaboration with Primary Care. Mental Health Services in the Basque Country consist of departments and functions across the three provinces of the Autonomous Basque Community. The portfolio of services offered by the Mental Health Department covers general psychiatry (mild and severe health disorders), child-adolescent psychiatry and specific services such as alcoholism, compulsive gambling and drug addiction. The existing services are oriented to face a wide range of disorders such depression, schizophrenia, panic disorder, psychosis, eating and sleeping disorders and suicidal tendencies.


If you answered "yes" to between one and four questions then you have a lot of room for improvement in your lifestyle. Look at the pattern of your answers to find out where you are not concentrating on good health. If you feel unable to make changes yourself, ask an adult or professional to help you.
Visit your local library for more information, or scour the Internet for sites that you trust and implement some of their tips. But make changes soon, before your unhealthy lifestyle has any lasting consequences.
If you answered "yes" to between five and eight questions then you have a fairly healthy lifestyle. However, you can never take your good health too seriously. Try to target a few areas in which you can improve and think up a few easy changes that you can make in your daily life. It may be as easy as going to bed an hour earlier or switching from candy to fruit as your afternoon snack. Whatever it is, dedicate yourself to making changes and celebrate when you do!
If you answered "yes" to nine or more of these questions then you have a healthy lifestyle. For optimal health, work on any topic to which you answered "no". Lucky for you there does not seem to be many areas on which to concentrate. But while you obviously take care of yourself well, for the brightest future you must look after all areas of your physical and emotional health. If you find that you are unable to identify areas of change yourself, consider asking a trusted adult or a health professional for guidance.



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