Friday, 3 February 2017


In this term, we had to do a work about some topic of medicine. Ander and I chose the topic of Health System & Healthy Lifestyle. We thought it was the option that better conected with our likes and with daily news or problems. However, after that, we noticed that the second part of the topic, healthy lifestyle, wasnt scientific enough to put in our presentation, that had to be much more connected with science. So, thats why we focused on health system.

First of all, Ander explained the ranking of the best health systems in the world. To continue, he spoke about the countries that took the best and the worst position in the ranking

My presentation focused on the Basque health system, Osakidetza

Finally, to give more importance to the healthy lifestyle, we made some quizes and questionnaires about nutrition, alcohol and healthy lifestyle. However, the time didnt help us and we only showed one quiz.

To sum up, it has been a presentation that has supposed a lot of work so I hope you like it.